Friday, July 3, 2015

Multicultural Candles

'Coloured Candles' I see it as the work of multiculturalism in Australia and in the world. The colours of candles represents all backgrounds, races, religions, cultures and nationalities in the world. It also represents our talents and gifts we have and what can we offer to the world and the people around us. The candle colour never changes from start to finish and this represents we need to be true to ourselves, being strong, don't copy others and don't try to become someone else. Everyone is unique. Everyone has something meaningful, unique to say and different ways of how they can express their views. The size and height of the candles represents the physicality of our bodies and the work of it according to the talents and gifts we have. Melting of the candles represents the sacrifices and love for each other to continue to light each other up and to be the best we can be and it represents humility.  It also represents what we have left behind so others can follow and learn the values, actions, messages, morals and virtues that we learnt, gained and done. We leave behind our legacy for the next generation to come. The burning of the wax it also represents overcoming our weakness and bad habits in life.

All candles have one thing in common which are the candle light shines that has the same colour, warmth, shape and movement and the wax element. The wax element represents we are all equal by this means no one is higher than other, we are all different but no one is perfect, we all humans, we make mistakes and we communicate with each other that touches our hearts and minds. The candle light represents hope, love and faith. As there are lots of candles shining in the room or any other place, the environment becomes warm, peaceful, quite, meaningful, inspiring, contemplative and care for each other. This also represents we are all in one. The base of the candle which holds it represents we are created for a purpose and we have a limited time to live and this reminds us that we need to make most of what we have and invest in our talents and gifts which given to us so we can offer the world and the people in it the best in us. 

We don't live forever in this world but there is one thing that keeps us alive which is the Eternity in our hearts and that what gives us a purpose, meaning and life. Living the journey of that purpose is better because you are discovering it rather than knowing your purpose in life. Eternity lasts forever. This is why we are created for a purpose. Do what you love and you'll find open doors in front of you. Be thankful for what you have rather than what you don't have however there are situations comes at the right time and be thankful for that also.

The light blue colour background represents we are all under the light blue sky and this reminds us we are all in one. The 3 most important things in life are faith, hope and love but the greatest of all is love. So keep your candles working. This is one of my contemplations of why Coloured Candles are so important.

MZ Artwork
Mena Zarif